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Dry grassland conference in Criewen
On 26th-27th September in the village of Criewen, the Brandenburgische Akademie "Schloss Criewen" in cooperation with the European Dry Grassland Group organized an international conference entitled "Concepts for modern management of xeric grasslands between nature conservation and agriculture". The EDGG was represented by members of the EDGG Executive Committee: Solvita Rusina and Michael Vrahnakis. The conference was attended by scientists and nature conservationists from Germany, Slovak Republic, Greece, Latvia, Slovenia, Hungary and Poland. In their speeches, the participants presented various methods of dry grassland management and restoration and the impact of such activities on local flora and fauna. The Naturalists' Club was represented by Pawe³ Pluciński and Andrzej Jermaczek who presented preliminary results of the "Conservation and restoration of xerothermic grasslands in Poland - theory and practice" LIFE+ project and the history of active dry grassland protection in the village of Owczary. During the conference, booklets, CDs and posters on dry grassland protection conducted by the Naturalists' Club were distributed. The photos from this event can be found in our image gallery.