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The Final Report has been submitted
In 31 March 2014 the Final Report from our project realization had been submitted to European Commission, National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and to Monitoring Team. In the same time the Project officially ended.

In total, throughout the project protective actions covered 225 ha of precious natural habitats within 8 Natura 2000 sites. On 225 ha of habitats negative processes were successfully ended, such as natural succession, eutrophication, degeneration related to antrophogenic impact (littering, irregular tourist traffic). On 20.2 ha the process of regeneration xerothermic grasslands was initiated. On further 61,19 ha extensive animal grazing was reinstated. The state of population and of locations of several dozen of protected species was improved, including also the rare species of: Echium russicum, Cyprypedium calceolus, Carlina onopordifolia, Achillea setacea, Stipa borysthenica, Stipa pulcherrima, Anthericum liliago, Orchis purpurea, Helicopsis strata, Atypus murali, Colias myrmidone. Furthermore, on 8 sites of Natura 2000 the expansion of several dangerous invasive species such as Robinia pseudoacacia, Heracleum sosnowskyi or Mahonia aquifolia was significantly limited. Through creating new reserves, ecological sites and natural monuments and detailed protection plans, permanent and professional protection for 12 objects was provided. In addition, solid basis for the protection of habitat 6210 was created in the entire country in the form of Habitat Action Plan.

Of cource this is not the end of our activities concerning xerothermic grassland protection. In the end of the project we prepared so-called "Life After-LIFE Conservation Plan", containing information concerning the necessary actions which will be taken after the finalization of the project. This information concerns also the estimated financial sources of the actions and persons who are responsible for them.