One of the fundamental objectives of the project is to conduct mobile pasturage on a dozen or so small and isolated xerothermic grasslands. As we wrote earlier, their use by owners as pasture is made difficult by their small size, distance from settlements and poor road access. As a result, extensive grazing of these areas, which in and of itself is not very popular today, becomes even more difficult and completely unprofitable under such conditions. Given this situation, the Naturalists' Club developed a mobile pasturage scheme based on transporting a small flock of sheep to graze these often forgotten grasslands. Eight areas in the Dolna Odra Natura 2000 site have been selected: Raduń, Rudnica, Trutwiniec, Kostrzynek, Gozdowice and Błeszyn, as well as 2 areas from the Uj¶cie Warty site: Górzyca and Pamięcin.
A total of 15.8 ha of xerothermic grasslands will be grazed in this way. The sheep are tended by two shepherds, who live in a camp trailer that is transported from site to site with the animals. The animals graze in quadrants that have thus far been enclosed by using electrified fencing powered by solar batteries. The electrified fence is held in place by plastic posts dug into the ground. However, the plastic posts did not work well in the variable terrain and often unstable ground (gravel, sand) of "our" grasslands.
For additional support, we also installed wooden stakes about 1.5 m tall to secure the fence. The fence is removed after grazing but the posts remain for the next grazing period. This protects the pastures and, as opposed to a permanent fence, enables wild animals to access the area when it is not being used for grazing domestic livestock.