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We have planted first Echium rubrum seedlings! (Action C5)
At the 4th of October expedition to Bug valley slopes close Czumów and Gródek villages was conducted (Zachodniowołyńska Dolina Bugu Nature 2000 site). The main purpose of this trip was to plant the first seedlings of Echium rubrum which were grown in Botanical Garden in Lublin with the financial support of Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska in Lublin. All together 1300 seeds of Echium rubrum were sowed in Botanical Garden. Only 70 germinated. From 70 seedlings the strongest 30 were chosen and taken to Bug valley slopes. Personnel of Botanical Garden: Krystyna Dąbrowska, Ryszard Sawicki, Mykhaylo Chernetskyy and personnel of the Life+ project: Anna Cwener, Katarzyna Barańska, Piotr Chmielewski as well as film team which follows all important actions had taken part in this trip. Echium rubrum was planted in earlier prepared places: mowed and raked out. Additionally, the closest area of the planted seedlings was weeded, so planted plants could grow free from competition with other species. We hope that all planted seedlings of Echium rubrum will survive the winter and will bloom next year.