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Removing of the Sosnowski's Hogweed in the vicinity of Żurawce area (Lublin voivodship) (Action C2)
The Sosnowski's Hogweed is the invasive species that comes from Kaukaz. It was introduced to Poland in the middle of XX century because of its ecological features profitable for agriculture. However, it was recorded that the plant is toxic and therefore cannot be as profitable as expected. Unfortunately, the plant appeared to be invasive and not easy to withdraw from the area of introduction because many individuals managed to "escape" from agriculture areas and started to colonize new patches of suitable habitat. Nowadays, this plant occurs in Belarus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. Because the Sosnowski's Hogweed constitute serious threat not only for peoples and animals, but also for valuable habitats and rare plants the Naturalist's Club and the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Lublin initiated activity against the Giant Hogweed in the nearest vicinity of Żurawce area. In this place the Sosnowski's Hogweed occurs predominantly along the road from Lubycz Królewska to Machnów Nowy. The plants are going to be removed in two ways: by removing of young samplings and moving repeated four times during year. The removing action has just started.