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Restoration of grasslands in the Kąty site (Action C4)
In 2011 the Naturalists' Club became an owner of a 5,8 ha parcel in the "Kąty" Natura 2000 site in the vicinity of Zamość. The parcel consists of dry grasslands and fallows. On the 1st of September a group of volunteers related to the Zamość Natural Society arrived to the "Kąty" site in order to collect xerothermic plant seeds and sow them into the fallow. Various local calcareous species of plants were collected, like Inula ensifolia, Trifolium rubens, Salvia verticillata, Carlina vulgaris, Melampyrum arvense, Trifolium montanum, Anthyllis vulneraria, Peucedanum alsaticum. We hope that our activities might accelerate the process of regeneration of the dry grassland vegetation on the fallow.