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We have purchased the parcel near Zatoń Dolna in Raduń sub-area (Action B1)
After long lasting waiting that took over two years we finally have purchased one of the most valuable areas containing xerothermic grassland in Dolna Odra Natura 2000 site. The parcel has 16.63 ha and lies near Zatoń Dolna and Raduń villages on the Odra valley slope. In this part the Odra valley meets range of moraine hills which have a very big influence on diverse relief and beautiful, scenic landscape of this place. Purchased parcel covers part of a ravine that perpendicularly cross the Odra valley slope. In the bed of the ravine a little stream is located and several calcareous, still petrifying springs exists. Above them three hills with mosaic of grasslands and thermophilous thickets rises. Unfortunately, upper part of the hills had been ploughed and transformed in to arable fields during last decade. The rest of the parcel is unused for a long time (in the past it was pasture). During our project we are going to conduct a number of actions which will improve the condition of grasslands. Among other things we are going to remove or thin out the thickets overgrowing the grasslands on the ca. 8 ha surface. We also are going to initiate the process of grassland regeneration which had been destroyed by ploughing.